Course Summary
In-service training/professional development program (PDP) is aimed to support development of teachers’ competences and raise their awareness in the current educational needs, challenges and trends. The programme is designed for teachers of primary and basic education and offers a set of 4 thematic modules related to innovations in education that motivate students to learn. The four modules (40 hours, face-to-face training) are Changing education paradigm (from teaching to learning), Integrative approach of STEAM, Collaborative problem solving, Innovation of education process through ICT and Gamification. This is the result of a KA2 Erasmus+ project “Innovative teacher – motivated student: collaborative problem solving”.
The course is eligible for funding
from Erasmus+ Programme
Target group
The course is addressed to:
School principals
School administration staff
Other education management staff
Participants should come from one of the European countries eligible for Erasmus+ projects.
Raise participants’ awareness of the needs of changing the education paradigm by engaging them into debate about their learning-teaching practices by sharing and exchange their own opinions and experiences
Help participants to improve everyday teaching practice by strengthening their methodological background using a holistic approach to develop key competences and transversal skills of students
Enable participants to enrich their teaching practices by using innovative tools, techniques and ways to make teaching and learning more understandable, attractive and motivating
Foster innovative and critical thinking of participants by using collaborative team work
Enrich teaching and learning content and process through strengthening responsibility, balancing evaluation and learning strategies, enhancing cross-thematic approach and strengthening team work and co-operative skills of participants
An eligible participating organization/institution must apply for a grant to the National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme in the country in which the applicant organization is established.
Applicants have to submit their grant application by 5 February 2019 at 12.00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting between 1st June and 31st December of the same year.
National Agencies may organize a second round of applications. In that case, applicants have to submit their grant application by 4 October at 12.00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting between 1st January and 31st May of the following year.
Epimorfotiki Kilkis is committed to assist and to support participants’ organisation during the submission phase by providing participants with the necessary information, materials and documents.
for more information
Venue of the Course is the premises of Epimorfotiki Kilkis in Kilkis (GR)