Course Summary
The Shadow puppet and mime course refers to the training on topics related to the Shadow puppet such as the manufacturing of figures, techniques about the screenplay and the organisation of a performance, the art of mime, as well as the history of puppet and the organisation of events.
The course is eligible for funding
from Erasmus+ Programme
Target group
The course is addressed to:
Teachers and professionals operating in the fields of puppet and mime
Members of cultural associations, theatre companies, art schools, etc.
Participants should come from one of the European countries eligible for Erasmus+ projects.
Familiarisation with the history of puppet and mime in Europe and their impact in the local cultures, the common roots, but also the different ways of evolvement in the different countries
Updating of knowledge and skills related to the manufacturing of shadow theatre figures, the screenplay and the organisation of a performance
Learning how to draw in and to increase young generation interest to these forms of expression
Learning how to plan a performance/ event/ festival related to puppet and/or mime
Way to increase participants pedagogical skills by using innovative training tools, methods and means
Creation of networks and synergies, so as to promote and extend the culture of mime and puppet throughout Europe
Finally, to increase the importance the lifelong learning has either as in connection to the labour market, or in relation to the improvement of the everyday life of citizens
Familiarisation with local daily life, culture and customs
An eligible participating organization/institution must apply for a grant to the National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme in the country in which the applicant organization is established.
Applicants have to submit their grant application by 2 February at 12.00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting between 1st June and 31st December of the same year.
National Agencies may organize a second round of applications. In that case, applicants have to submit their grant application by 4 October at 12.00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting between 1st January and 31st May of the following year.
Epimorfotiki Kilkis is committed to assist and to support participants’ organisation during the submission phase by providing participants with the necessary information, materials and documents.
for more information
Venue of the Course is the premises of Epimorfotiki Kilkis in Kilkis (GR)